Standard Cabinet Cremone

Standard Cabinet Cremone detail

Standard Cabinet Cremone

Solid Forged Brass
- Hand Polished
-Thinner profile, less projection of case
- Perfect for Cabinets or Pantry Doors
- Bolts can be used with any Von Morris Knob or Lever.
- Available in Active or Fixed Rod Styles
- Knobs, Levers and Trim Must be Ordered Separately

Item Numbers
BOL163-60 - Fixed Rod Cabinet Cremone 60"
BOL163-72 - Fixed Rod Cabinet Cremone 72"
BOL163-84 - Fixed Rod Cabinet Cremone 84"
BOL164-60 - Cabinet Cremone 60"
BOL164-72 - Cabinet Cremone 72"
BOL164-84 - Cabinet Cremone 84"

  • Category:Surface and Flush Bolts
  • Suited:No

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